Jami Leigh's Photography

For as long as I can remember I have always loved taking pictures. My family always joked that I would be rich if I had all of the money I had spent on developing and printing pictures. While at ASU, I took one photography class, but never really planned on doing anything more than candid shots. Once Hunter was born my love of photography and being behind the camera was rekindled. Brandon jokes that it's like the paparazzi at our house! But my feelings are that my baby will only be 6 months and 2 days old once, 13months and 20 days old once and so on :) So I capture each day (well almost each day) in pictures. It has crossed my mind many times that I would like to pursue photography as a part-time career, but I've never known where to start. So here I am. I hope you enjoy viewing the pictures as much as I enjoy taking them.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Davis - Beach

At the beach Memorial Day Weekend we tried to do Davis' 6 months pictures on the beach... welll 1st of all, all he wanted to do was eat the sand. Not so crazy about the water... and then my battery died! Ummm... not the most successful shoot ever, but the pictures are still precious of Davis even if he was not exactly enjoying himself nor doing what we thought he should be doing! :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

McCoy is 6!

This is just a sneak peak from McCoy's 6th birthday shoot! Check out http://www.jamileighsphotography.smugmug.com/ for more of McCoy and his family, to be posted soon!

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Contact Me

My photo
Lincolnton, North Carolina, United States
contact me at: jamileighsphotography@yahoo.com www.jamileighsphotography.smugmug.com
